MassMEDIC, the Massachusetts Medical Device Industry Council, announced today the 2021 IGNITE Cohort, and RUBYnanomed was one of the awarded medtech startups. Press release: follow the link
cLAB Ventures launched a mentorship programme to accelerate the business development of startups innovating in the field of oncology, and RUBYnanomed was highlighted as a startup […]
RUBYnanomed was awarded the prestigious Caixa Impulse Consolidate funds to help the fight against cancer. The project intends to build an automated system for non-invasive diagnosis […]
The Emerging Technologies Competition is the Royal Society of Chemistry’s annual initiative for early stage companies and academic entrepreneurs who want to commercialise their technologies to […]
Sara Abalde mostra-nos um dispositivo transparente que tem lá dentro um circuito que quase parece uma pauta de música. É um objeto pequenino, talvez com menos […]